candlejack wrote in emprises Nov 01, 2011 23:49
defyyourhunger: balthazar ( au. ), - members, #candlejack, *action, midnightwhisky: john blackmore, asinglejump: cylon raider, bewhat: jeremy redmond, experiencedlove: caprica-six
thanoodles wrote in emprises Oct 31, 2011 14:08
perdenuo: sally mills, ohbloodyay: lesel, lastnightisaw: kyle kinnaird | edinburgh, bewhat: jeremy redmond, switchgun: riley, eeeeeeeeeaou: simple dog, #thanoodles, deathforsome: middle, - members, fabguns: london, *action, airdashes: john jonson | speedball, matriotism: raicho, goneandgone: forty-five, torontroll: maude dante | toronto, aguidingstar: max haddigan | hotspur, wantsakitteh: andël vlcěk
thanoodles wrote in emprises Oct 13, 2011 12:49
itwouldntbe: jeremy redmond ( au. ), stillthegirl: teagan ( au. ), everbroke: julia gorski-grumley ( au. ), bewhat: jeremy redmond, lodevole: femesi, howmised: emilia gorski ( au. ), andsodidhe: eddie gavell, creepinginmy: jack gibson & cerbos, neverbreaks: julia gorski-grumley, whelve: jack & cerbos | lincon, #thanoodles, deathforsome: middle, - members, *action, eventhegood: teagan, imlosingmy: kaena, ourstorock: etyer, stirsupstrife: amon, goneandgone: forty-five, onalargerscale: clint
necklaces wrote in emprises Oct 06, 2011 20:27
afterherhead: elizabeth & cerbos | linco, willbereborn: the phoenix, itamplified: lewis puckett ( au. ), jiffles: alet, ontodaysmenu: tasene, bewhat: jeremy redmond, howhuman: emilia gorski-grumley, switchgun: riley, lodevole: femesi, itdisappeared: giles puckett, neverbreaks: julia gorski-grumley, #necklaces, sailtothe: solen roux, tobesetfree: adam lauderdale ( au. ), ourobsorption: ouroboros, - members, *action, everybruise: eddie gavell, defythehunger: balthazar, glaciepex: eydis, jedimindkink: john buchanan | oxford, boomfizzlepop: michiru amy carlisle, morethesky: phoenix, eventhegood: teagan, goneandgone: forty-five, onalargerscale: clint, earhear: isma, wantsakitteh: andël vlcěk, neededsacrifice: sienna white
thanoodles wrote in emprises Sep 27, 2011 21:03
itdetached: lewis puckett | winston-sale, bewhat: jeremy redmond, martyrish: jemima dunstan | canterbury, neverbreaks: julia gorski-grumley, whelve: jack & cerbos | lincon, tobesetfree: adam lauderdale ( au. ), #thanoodles, deathforsome: middle, - members, *action, jedimindkink: john buchanan | oxford, dimicare: eddie gavel | winchester, eventhegood: teagan, coups_de_fouet: taylor kee, onalargerscale: clint, goneandgone: forty-five, brainsext: isaac moore | cambridge
thanoodles wrote in emprises Sep 12, 2011 16:43
#thanoodles, - members, itamplified: lewis puckett ( au. ), *action, jedimindkink: john buchanan | oxford, fromxerox: pledge, mystorysucks: ben bellamy, eventhegood: teagan, bewhat: jeremy redmond, sailtothe: solen roux, finallytouches: robert s. hargreaves
thanoodles wrote in emprises Sep 01, 2011 14:24
gentlydone: elliot, neverincontrol: teagan ( au. ), itamplified: lewis puckett ( au. ), jiffles: alet, opposedreaction: isaac ( au. ), youneedto: nicholas, bewhat: jeremy redmond, mortestmamere: christine morreaux, howhuman: emilia gorski-grumley, justsqueeze: pathos, lodevole: femesi, neverbreaks: julia gorski-grumley, #thanoodles, - members, monstertoy: adam lauderdale, *action, wouldntthatbe: jerry redmond, fromxerox: pledge, eventhegood: teagan, givemeaverage: elle keiver, stirsupstrife: amon, coups_de_fouet: taylor kee, naejauer: capt. meryn, knowstheprice: oxford ( au. )
candlejack wrote in emprises Jul 03, 2011 21:18
limu_o_pele: asha de tisi ( au. ), gamepointed: jennifer wilkinson, utterprickle: bruno, bewhat: jeremy redmond, touchiefeely: barney jones, int4glio: zinc, creepinginmy: jack gibson & cerbos, immortalizes: sven, theytouched: thomas aldridge, #candlejack, abattyowl: nector, - members, justmyjob: ellisha, defythehunger: balthazar, *action, typeright: julia "jules" grumley, bookofworlds: payton, matriotism: raicho, decouvreur: barbet, duplicar: salem, howaverage: emilia gorski
candlejack wrote in emprises Jun 20, 2011 00:52
Click to view
gentlydone: elliot, forthismonster: nicola avery, sharperthan: emily kingston, green_toothed: jan lowotter, notthemodel: naomi campbell, protectmecone: dexter grif, smokingrockstar: maude dante, fuckinjunctions: ollie wilkinson ( au. ), bewhat: jeremy redmond, int4glio: zinc, creepinginmy: jack gibson & cerbos, deontological: ethan, breathesdust: magalie st. james, #candlejack, abattyowl: nector, - members, *action, boomfizzlepop: michiru amy carlisle, bookofworlds: payton, fulminology: lightning farron, eventhegood: teagan, decouvreur: barbet, duplicar: salem, howaverage: emilia gorski
thanoodles wrote in emprises Jun 11, 2011 18:16
tricklesdown: teagan, #thanoodles, bloodaholique: juliet dixon-ross ( au. ), stillthegirl: teagan ( au. ), - members, *action, typeright: julia "jules" grumley, wouldntthatbe: jerry redmond, wigglesalong: tristan knight, bewhat: jeremy redmond, fearsomefaith: gideon southey, creepinginmy: jack gibson & cerbos, a_littlelight: aaron parker, howaverage: emilia gorski